How to create boxes/drawers/racks in storage equipment? - LabCollector

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How to create boxes/drawers/racks in storage equipment?

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The “storage browser” and “manage storage” options in LabCollector help the user to store the location of each record in a precisely defined place. Research labs deal with several samples, chemicals, etc that they need to store in a specific location with specified temperatures, etc. All this can be done using the storage browser.

You can define the box diagrams as models that you can choose while defining your storage positions for the storage of items (e.g. samples).

Follow these steps to configure the storage for your lab:

1. Configure the storage

2. Create the boxes for storage in equipment

1. Configure the storage

  • Here you can configure the storage when you access LabCollector for the first time.
  • Please read out KB on how to configure storage for more information.

2. Create the boxes for storage in equipment


  • When you click on the create new boxes option you will see the below page.
  • 1. The left-hand side represents the storage tree (like the table of contents for the storage) where you can see the storage rooms or labs or any facilities that you define during storage configuration. (The tree basically shows you Facility -> Equipment -> boxes/drawers/racks/etc.)
  • 2. Then you can see all the equipment inside each facility.
  • On the right-hand side, you will see various options to define the space inside the equipment.
  • 3. This option will allow you to add a new drawer OR a rack inside your equipment e.g. refrigerator.

    – Once you create a rack OR a drawer will appear under your storage equipment.
  • 4. This option will allow you to add a new drawer + a new box inside your equipment

      • A. You can choose from the list of the model box that you created. *Please check our KB on how to set up models for more information.
      • B. here you can add the name and a short description for your box, like in the image for example.
      • C. Here you can create the design of the box (with/without divider), tube tray, microplate, visotubes, bag, container, or shelf part.
        *Please check our KB on how to set up models for more information.
      • D. here you can choose which facility and equipment you want to store the box inside. For example, here the box is in Room_Lab01 in the equipment refrigerator. If you have defined a rack or a drawer in step 3 above then the options will appear here and you can select the rack you want to put your box inside.
      • E. You have a choice between two options when it comes to selecting the owner of the box:
        • Common Boxes are visible to all users within the same group by default.
        • Individual Boxes are only visible to the user who created them, as well as any associated records.
  • If a staff+ or admin user creates an Individual Box, it will not be visible to other staff and users by default. Only the user who created the box and any associated records will have access to it.
  • For creating groups go to ADMIN -> MANAGE USERS and when you have defined users you can go to MANAGE GROUP POLICIES and create groups. You can add members by going back to MANAGE USERS and assigning groups to already existing members.
      • F. You can save the box as a model after naming the box and clicking the checkbox.
      • G. Once you have defined all options, save it the box.
  • 5. You can use this option to create racks and boxes by importing a CSV containing the racks and boxes names that you want to create or manual setting for batch import.
  • 6. You can use this option to create racks only, by importing a CSV containing the racks and boxes names that you want to create or manual setting for batch import.

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