Shipment status allows you to change the "received date" for multiple samples at once.

Tips / Hints

This shipment status can also be activated using sample receiving add-on. 
Please read the Knowledge Base  KB: how to connect LSM to Sample receiving for accepting samples.

  1. Check the box for the sample you want to change shipment status for.
  2. Select the "Shipment status" button.
  3. You will see a pop-up where you can change from the dropdown in front of shipment status the sample "Submitted, In transit, Returned or Received".
    • You can select the date and time by clicking on the small calendar icon.
    • You can choose to accept all jobs in LSM instead of the selected ones. 
    • You can also generate barcode labels for the jobs you are selecting the shipment status for. When you click in this box and save the settings, a new tab with barcode printing options will open. See section
    • Once you are done you can save the settings.