I have the message "Failed to connect to mySQL server. No Database found for this lab account". What can I do? - LabCollector

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If you work on Windows, and Database server is not green in the server manager,
or your computer shut down unexpectedly and you have the message “Failed to connect to MySQL server. No Database found for this lab account” when you try to enter on your LabCollector instance.     

You can solve this by 3 ways if Windows on LabCollector Server Manager:

1. Repair MySQL
2. Repair Windows service
3. Change/Repair in Control panel

1. Repair MySQL

  • Open your LabCollector server manager
  • 1. Select the instance you have and click on settings
  • 2. The repair mySQL will be visible, click on it.

2. Repair Windows service

  • Open your LabCollector server manager
  • 1. Select the instance you have and click on settings
  • 2. Click on windows service reinstallation

3. Change/Repair in Control panel

  • In control panel go to Windows -> Control Panel -> Applications -> LabCollector Manager->Change/Repair

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