Let’s fight COVID-19 together!

LabCollector + LSM Pack + qPCR Automation

Discover how LabCollector can help you manage valuable data and clinical samples with one simple tool.

Indeed in these dire times we need to join our hands and fight together against COVID-19. LabCollector provides research a testing labs with a special COVID-19 package to test the virus and help eradicate the pandemic.

Trusted by 50,000+ Users Worldwide

LabCollector and LSM (Lab Service Management) will assist you with:

COVID-19 LC + LSM Pack includes

Note: It can be hosted online on our server in US or EU.

COVID-19 LIMS System by LabCollector

Solutions for large, mid-sized and small, fast-growing businesses.

Management Modules

Information and stock management are performed on a modular basis. Scientific end-users have been kept in mind and no extensive learning is required. LabCollector LIMS is ready to use immediately.

Storage System

Easily manage and define stock locations with LabCollector’s user-friendly interface. Simply use point-and-click to define box cell grid places, and create virtually any box configuration to suit your needs.

Barcoding & Mobility

LabCollector LIMS uses barcodes to identify all stored data, making it easy to search and retrieve information quickly. You can generate linear or 2D barcodes for better organization.

Security, Traceability & Integrity

LabCollector LIMS uses user levels to restrict access and now supports LDAP and AD. Plus, history logs and audit trails help you track user actions and maintain data versioning for added security.

Ready To Automate Your Lab?

Evolve your laboratory’s capability for molecular testing with the addition of LabCollector.

Available for: LabCollector download available for Windows and MAC

    Your Name* Email Address* Telephone* Company / Institution* Country* Address and Zip Code* How many users do you have? Which and how many RT-PCR instruments do you use?
    Which tests do you perform? PCRSerologyOther If other: Do you want to connect LabCollector to a billing system application? Which USA states do you want to perform tests for (if any)? Do you receive samples individually or already on plates? Individuallyplates Do you want a remote portal to receive test requests online? Do you generate individual analysis test reports or in bulk? ReportsBulk
    If you do the certificate of analysis, can you provide us a mock template? Do you manually plate the swabs or with a robot (like PE Janus)? Do you want to track each step of sample plate preparation? Send message to:* Message

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