LabCollector support - LabCollector

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All our support resources are available on

You can create a ticket a ticket by following 2 routes.

1.LabCollector instance

2.LabCollector website

1.LabCollector instance

You can also access it from your LabCollector instance.

2.LabCollector website

1. The ticket system allows you to efficiently follow your issues. For more information please refer to KB-Ticket system.

2. The knowledge-base which contains illustrated records referring to the main functions of LabCollector or add-ons explained step by step.

3. The manuals and flyers of LabCollector and add-ons (PDF).

4. E-training. On this page, you will find all the information for training sessions to become familiar with LabCollector and its
add-ons or to deepen your knowledge of its functionalities.

5. Changelogs, where you can see all the recent updates in LabCollector.

6. The chat: quick and simple. Direct question, direct answer. For a quote, please email [email protected] or [email protected] instead.

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